I hope everyone had a pretty good Monday. Being in Boston has been pretty great so far. This weekend was crazy though! Traveling with kids is “interesting” to say the least.
In Boston I am visiting family and got to see one of my best friends, which was oh so fun! I’ve been getting creative trying to find ways to look over my lines for a short film I’m shooting in July, where there is a will there is a way! THIS time I don’t think I will try the new technique I spoke about on my first actors tip vlog but next time for sure! 25 pages in a month should be easy enough. 😳 Did I mention I’m the lead, yeah I better get my shit together quick!
Today I got to interview the one and only @lalolopezlive about his presence on Periscope and how his social media is going for him. It’s a good interview, I can’t wait for you guys to see it!
So far it’s been a great few days and will check back tomorrow! On my list of things to do is stop eating like crap and work out. This is a vacation but it’s not an excuse!!! Have a rest rest of your Monday! ❤️
- Alisha